Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks

What the Marriage Statutes Provides -- Advice to Merchant and School Teachers. Editor CLIPPER:-- There is much more in the request of having published monthly the names of parties entering into marriage relation than may...

Kaysville Kinks

Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude. Editor CLIPPER:-- The financial exhibit of the county published in your last issue, no doubt, was the result of a suggestive article, which appeared in your columns about a...

Kaysville Kinks

Appearance of Another Newspaper Predicted --Experimental Well to Be Sunk. Editor CLIPPER:-- Dame Rumor has it afloat that the CLIPPER will soon have a companion newspaper in our county. M. Smith, late of the Nephi Ensign,...

Kaysville Kinks

Seventy-five Couples Atteend Leap Year Ball – Young Bloods Take in the TownHappy New Year; turn over a New leaf Monday evening, a dance will be given at William’s hall which is safe to say, will prove a success. Joseph...

Kaysville Kinks

Dancing Order of the Day—W.R. Payne Passed Away Complements of the season.up by the Ladies, Columbian club. Miss Nettie Meredith is home for the holidays. Snow is all gone and mud has taken its place, much to the regret of...

Kaysville Kinks

A Successful Concert – Visitors From Mexico. H.J. Sheffield has moved into his new store, every thing is in tip top style. Zamloch the magician, will give performances in the Music hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Mrs....

Kaysville Kinks

The meeting of the Ladies’ Columbian club, last Wednesday evening proved a success; those attending felt amply repaid for so doing. Our Union Pacific Agent, Paul Thomassen, was called to Logan, Friday as a witness against...

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief Caught--Death of Mrs. Barton--Columbian Club Exercises—Notes on the side. The unpropitious weather of yesterday detracted considerably from the attendance at...

Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake Quarterly Conference--Columbian Club Meeting--Notes on the Side. KAYSVILLE, Dec. 3. -- Heber J. Sheffield has very nearly completed his magnificent business...

Kaysville Kinks

A Budget of interesting Items from the Thriving Town. The school census reports have not been received from all parts of the county yet, but Superintendent Linford estimates that there are about 2,350 school children in the...

Kaysville Kinks

A Coming Social Event Crop Prospects Good and Farmers Happy Elaborate preparations are being made for the leap year ball to be given by the Woman’s Suffrage association on Monday evening, the 29th inst. The committee in...

Kaysville Kinks

Last Thursday evening the officers and teachers of the Sunday school and a few invited friends gathered at the residence of H. J. Sheffield, one of the assistant superintendents of the school, and gave him a genuine...

Kaysville Kinks

EDITOR THE STANDARD:-- Last Thursday, as Chris. E. Layton was driving some cattle to Salt Lake City I or J. II. Larkins, when in Farmington his horse slipped on the ice fell down. Unfortunately falling on Mr. Layton’s leg,...

Kaysville Kinks

Newsy Notes From the Thriving Northern Burg. As far as the returns are in, Davis county polled 72 per cent. of the registration lists. Contrary to the general expectation, Layton proved herself to be an overwhelmingly...

Kaysville Kinks

Several Now Residences Now Being Erected There. Farmers Jubilant Over the Recent Storm--The Farmington Choral and Glee Club. William Wood and William White were in town yesterday. The storm of Thursday night was a lolla,...

Kaysville Kinks

General and Personal News of Davis County. The dance in the Music hall last evening was well attended. Mrs. John Southworth and children are in from Tooele City on a visit. Miss Florence and Miss Cumorah Smith were up from...

Kaysville Kinks

The Tramp Nuisance Getting Beyond Endurance. Death of a Little Son of Chris. Layton’s-- The Herald’s Agent Meeting With Good Success--General News. Mr. Willard Gailey returned yesterday morning from a trip to Preston,...

Kaysville Kinks

Personal, General and Business News of the Town. A Serious Accident that Might Easily Have Proven Fatal--Historical and Debating Club's Entertainment. The first session of the Kaysville city council for several months was...

Kaysville Kinks

A Lady Station Agent of the Rio Grande Western. Personal. Social. Business and Amusement--Notes of the Thriving City in Davis County.   The weather has been very pleasant again the last few days. The Kaysville Brick...

Kaysville Kinks

A Serious Accident to Mrs John W Burton. Lr Grippe Taking Leave--Good Work of the Historical and Debating Club-- General News.   The la grippe epidemic has nearly left us. A few more days of this fine weather and we...

Kaysville Kinks

What the Marriage Statutes Provides -- Advice to Merchant and School...

Kaysville Kinks

Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude. Editor CLIPPER:-- The...

Kaysville Kinks

Appearance of Another Newspaper Predicted --Experimental Well to Be...

Kaysville Kinks

Seventy-five Couples Atteend Leap Year Ball – Young Bloods Take in...

Kaysville Kinks

Dancing Order of the Day—W.R. Payne Passed Away Complements of the...

Kaysville Kinks

A Successful Concert – Visitors From Mexico. H.J. Sheffield has...

Kaysville Kinks

The meeting of the Ladies’ Columbian club, last Wednesday evening...

Kaysville Kinks

Yesterday’s Proceedings of the Stake Conference. A Horse Thief...

Kaysville Kinks

John Knighting and E. T. Wood Arrested for Conspiracy. Davis Stake...

Kaysville Kinks

A Budget of interesting Items from the Thriving Town. The school...

Kaysville Kinks

A Coming Social Event Crop Prospects Good and Farmers Happy...

Kaysville Kinks

Last Thursday evening the officers and teachers of the Sunday school...

Kaysville Kinks

EDITOR THE STANDARD:-- Last Thursday, as Chris. E. Layton was...

Kaysville Kinks

Newsy Notes From the Thriving Northern Burg. As far as the returns...

Kaysville Kinks

Several Now Residences Now Being Erected There. Farmers Jubilant...

Kaysville Kinks

General and Personal News of Davis County. The dance in the Music...

Kaysville Kinks

The Tramp Nuisance Getting Beyond Endurance. Death of a Little Son...

Kaysville Kinks

Personal, General and Business News of the Town. A Serious Accident...

Kaysville Kinks

A Lady Station Agent of the Rio Grande Western. Personal. Social....

Kaysville Kinks

A Serious Accident to Mrs John W Burton. Lr Grippe Taking...