Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| June 8, 1893
Kaysville Kinks
June 8, 1893
  • Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper in these columns a few weeks ago, and he turned a merry joke on me regarding the matter.  After quoting my words that the paper was “about up to its usual standard – nothing in it,” he asks if some one should tap me on the head and make the same remark, would the cap fit?
    I desire to thank him for the implied compliment, and will add that it does not take a very large cap to fit me, and therein I differ somewhat from my Layton friend.  As to what his pericranium contains I know nothing, though I most sincerely hope it is as densely packed with worldly wisdom as he thinks it is.  No wish could be better than that.  But if I am correctly informed he is rather “Green”, and I would suggest to him before he essays the role of literary critic that he could profitably employ his spare moments in a thorough and systematic study of the first principles of English grammar.  It would do him good.
    As for the Eagle, if he would give it a cursory examination he would readily see that what I said was only too true.  It has improved some little since then and no one hopes more, strongly than I to see it continue to grow better.  A lively newspaper is an enterprise that every one should be pleased to help support.  Kaysville people have been very liberal and they are deserving of a better paper, “R” to the contrary notwithstanding.


  • Two tramps who had taken temporary lodging at the Mansell house made themselves quite familiar with the rooms adjoining theirs and on Saturday morning after the occupants of the rooms had gone, they took entire possession and proceeded to pack up everything of value in sight.  They even went so far as to dress up in W. L. Sheffield’s clothes leaving there own soiled apparel to tell the odorous tale of an uncleanly and misspent life.  When  Mr. Sheffield heard of this he arose in his mighty wrath and started after the fleeing fugitives armed with a shotgun and a revolver.  He overtook them before they reached the depot, and as he drew uncomfortably near they dropped their booty and made a break for liberty.  Sheffield called a halt which was unheeded, and he fired at one of them to scare him into submission, but without avail.  The next shot he took deadly aim but missed his mark.  The fusilade was getting rather warm, however, and the man surrendered.  Officer Gailey arrested the other one near the R. G. W. depot about an hour later.  They were arraigned before justice Gailey and were held to answer to the charge of house breaking.  Pending the action of the grand jury they will be entertained by Sheriff Wood at the county bastille.  They gave their names as Henry Becker and Leland Young.  Both are under twenty years of age.


  • commenced work again last Friday after one week’s stop.  The institution had been running for a year without any intermission and it has grown to be such a necessity that even so brief a delay made people anxious to have the machinery put in motion again.
    For several weeks the creamery company have been buying about 6,500 pounds of milk a day, and the butter product has been nearly 2,000 pounds a week.  It is one of the most prosperous and nourishing institutions in Kaysville.


  • The teachers of the Eighth school district have given all their pupils an invitation to spend next Thursday at Webster’s pavilion.  There will be games, dancing, and various amusements in the afternoon, and at night a ball will be given in the pavilion.  A good time is anticipated.
    KAYSVILLE, June 6, 1893.

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Kaysville Kinks

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

EDITOR CLIPPER: -- The citizens of Kaysville and vicinity are indignant at being victimized by a buzzard concern that perched here a few months ago with the frills and feathers...

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