A Serious Accident to Mrs John W Burton.
Lr Grippe Taking Leave–Good Work of the Historical and Debating Club– General News.
- The la grippe epidemic has nearly left us.
- A few more days of this fine weather and we will have dusty roads.
- William Beezley, who has been suffering with pneumonia for some time, is convalescing.
- Will Taylor entertained several of his friends at a pleasant birthday party on Monday evening.
- The Young Men’s and Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement associations hold their monthly conjoint session this evening.
- The Kaysville Historical and Debating club meet to-morrow (Monday) evening at 7:30. The question for debate is: “Resolved, That emigration at the present time is not a benefit to the United States.”
- The Kaysville Dramatic club will repeat “Jessy Vere” next Friday evening, the 20th inst. Judging from the success attending its first presentation, they will have a crowded house.
- Mrs. John W. Burton met with a very serious accident on Thursday last. In some way the team which she was driving became frightened and ran away, throwing her out of the wagon, which ran over her. She was picked up unconscious, and for some time it was feared that she was dead, but she finally regained consciousness, and at last accounts was improving rapidly.
- The concert which was given by the higher department of the Eighth district school, in the Music hall last Thursday evening, was a very creditable entertainment and much credit is due Mr. J. H. Linford jr., to whose untiring labors the concert is owing. The court scene by five boys was well done and created considerable fun. The main features of the evening were the broom and fan drills, which were done almost to perfection. The proceeds of the entertainment are to be used to procure an apparatus for use in the school. M.
KAYSVILLE March 15,1891