Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| November 16, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
November 16, 1890
  • What delightful weather!  Clear, cold and pleasant.
  • William White, of the firm of White & Sons company, was up from Salt Lake on Thursday.
  • Levi Taylor, jr., assistant superintendent of the Territorial reform school, is down from Ogden.
  • Surely no country can boast of a better climate than fair Utah has.
  • The young people had another very enjoyable dance at Burton’s hall last evening.
  • The game of whist between the champions of Kaysville and Salt Lake, as mentioned in our jottings last week, resulted as we expected with a score of 5 to 3 in favor of the Kaysville boys.  George Swan jr., and R. W. Barnes now claim the championship of the territory.
  • A party of sports, among whom are T. H. Philips, James Rushforth, W. H. Blood and others, are making preparations to start on a deer hunt next Monday.  There are some crack shots with the party and during their two weeks’ absence they will doubtless make things hot for the fleet inhabitants of the mountains.   M.  KAYSVILLE, Nov. 15.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

What the Marriage Statutes Provides -- Advice to Merchant and School Teachers. Editor CLIPPER:-- There is much more in the request of having published monthly the names of...

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Kaysville Kinks

Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude. Editor CLIPPER:-- The financial exhibit of the county published in your last issue, no doubt, was the result of a suggestive...

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Kaysville Kinks

Appearance of Another Newspaper Predicted --Experimental Well to Be Sunk. Editor CLIPPER:-- Dame Rumor has it afloat that the CLIPPER will soon have a companion newspaper in our...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

What the Marriage Statutes Provides -- Advice to Merchant and School Teachers. Editor CLIPPER:-- There is much more in the request of having published monthly the names of...

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Kaysville Kinks

Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude. Editor CLIPPER:-- The financial exhibit of the county published in your last issue, no doubt, was the result of a suggestive...

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