Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| November 2, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
November 2, 1890

The Patriotic Citizens of Kaysville Have a Grand Rally

The Liberals Also There Cat Their Meeting Slimly Attended—Tramps Enter a House and Extract Edibles.

KAYSVILLE Nov. 1, 1890.

Hurrah for Caine!

  • Last Tuesday the “Goodwin Pilgrims” arrived here about 9 a. m. and were met at the depot by nearly all of our liberal friends, who made them welcome.  Immediately after alighting from their train they proceeded to march to the Presbyterian church, headed by the liberal drum corps.  The procession was not very large and what few were there did not seem to be very enthusiastic.
  • Upon arriving at the church judge O.W. Powers called the audience together and introduced Judge Goodwin, who delivered a short speech in a very conservative for him.  The Judge was followed by quite a number of speakers.  The majority of them spoke fairly, and in fact with two exceptions did not say anything that anyone could take any offense at.  The two exceptions were Judge Jones, of Provo, and your own F. J. Keisel, Mayor oof Ogden City, who sneeringly referred to the members of the Mormon church paying one tenth of their income to the church as a tithing or voluntary donation.  The meeting only lasted about one hour when the weary “Pilgrims” marched to the depot and took their train for the south.
  • Members of the People’s party attended their rally in order to hear what they had to say, and are now convinced that they must vote for John T. Caine.
  • Last Wednesday the People’s party held a rally at the second ward meeting house at Farmington, which was largely attended, the speakers being B. H. Roberts of Salt Lake City, and John Barnes of Kaysville, who showed up the record of the two parties and also that of the two nominees for the Delegate to Congress.
  • Thursday night the People held a grand rally at Kaysville; it seemed as if every one was out and trying to make it a huge success.  They commenced together about half past six, and at about seven they were organized into a grand torch light parade.  The procession was headed by the Kaysville martial nand, followed by the brass band.  The parade marched on our principal streets and at about eight they arrived at the meeting house, where they formed a circle around a large bonfire and gave three cheers for the Stars and Stripes, and then marched into the house where an excellent programme had been arranged as follows:
    1-Music by the brass band.
    2-Praywer by the chaplain.
    3-Glee by the glee club.
    4-Speech by John Morgan.
    5- Music by the brass band.
    6-Speech by B.H. Roberts.
    7-Song by Mrs. Sarah Clayton.
    8-Speech by Dan W. Jones.
    9-Song by the glee club.
    The programme was well carried out.  The speakers spoke in a masterly style upon the issues of the day, and showed what the Liberal party had done when ever they had been in power and as we must judge them by their record we can plainly see what they would do if they could gain political control of this Territory.  The actions of the Liberal party were likened to the actions of the cuckoo, who being too lazy to build a nest lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, and when the young cuckoos are hatched they are not content with the portion of food their foster mother gives them but they proceed to throw the other birds out of the nest that they can obtain all the food, as the Liberals want all the food (offices) and nest (franchise) that belong to the people.  The record of C.C. Goodwin as printed by himself in the Tribune was shown where he advocates disfranchising the members of the People’s party because they were Mormons.  The Tribune record of Hon. John T. Caine was shown, which shows a clean record, one not disfigured by a single act that is unbecoming to an American citizen; a record that shows he has treated all alike, no matter whether they were Liberal or People’s party, while acting in his official capacity at Washington.  Mr. Jones in his short speech, which was illustrated with pictures, made some very good points.  The pictures were arranged in the form of a banner and were headed:
  • Mr. Jones in his happy way showed how the Liberals had worked for the disfranchisement of the people and the confiscation of their property.
  • Quite a number of Liberals were present who appeared very much interested at the remarks.  Everybody says the rally was a success.
  • The next Monday evening we close the campaign with the biggest rally ever held in the county.  Everybody is invited to turn out and march in the parade.
  • The People’s party expect to vote eighty-five percent of the registration list next Tuesday for John T. Caine.  It is thought that 500 persons marched Thursday night and that twice as many were at the meeting, in fact, all could not get in.
  • Our Co-op shipped a car load of alfalfa seed this week and from the constant way their fanning mill is running they must be buying large quantities of it.
  • Wednesday night tramps broke into the cellar of John Bonnemott and stole about thirty pounds of canned goods.  Mr. Bonnemott started out the following morning after the thieves, and found two with quite a bundle.  When he told them to stop they dropped the bundle and ran.  The package proved to be part of his things.
  • Yesterday the Woman’s Suffrage met at Farmington and held their usual monthly meeting.  Mrs. Richards, of Salt Lake City, delivered an address and stated the object of the organization was to inform the ladies of their true positions as citizens of this great commonwealth.  Speeches were made by Prof. Greenwood and others.          RINO.

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