Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| October 19, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
October 19, 1890

“There is sunshine after rain”

  • C. O. Card was in town yesterday.
  • John R Barnes was a visitor to the capital on Wednesday.
  • Dr. Putnam, an old resident of Kaysville was seen on the street yesterday.
  • County Assessor and Collector Egan, of Bountiful, was here on official business last Thursday.
  • John G. Linford the young man who accidentally fed his hand into the cylinder of a threshing machine a few weeks ago, and had it so badly cut as to necessitate the amputation of the first finger, is improving rapidly.
  • William R. Jamieson opened his gents furnishing goods store on Tuesday last.  He already has a large stock of clothing on hand and when he gets thoroughly equipped in business, intends to keep in stock everything in his line from a toothpick to a plug hat. Mr. Jamieson is a practical tailor and will make a specialty of making suits to order.
  • Taylor & Layton’s building is nearly completed. The brick work is finished and Mr. Pattillo has just completed the tin roof.  Inside, plasterers and carpenters are busy putting on the finishing touches, preparatory to opening on November 1.  Mr. Layton says they have a large stock of goods on order and will be able to make a good showing when the building is ready for use.
  • The Peoples Party Political club held an enthusiastic meeting on Thursday evening.  The following programme was listened to with great interest by a large audience:

Glee “Merrily Goes Our Bark”…….. Glee Club
Speech …………………………………….… Hon T. F. Roueche
Instrumental Selection …….…..…… Miss Ella Lewis
Lecture “Government” ……..……..… James H Linford jr.
Bass Song ………………………..…….…. James A Cottrell
Selection ………………………………….. Glee Club

  • During his speech Mr. Roueche portrayed very forcibly the difference between the People’s and the Liberal parties in the territory showing that while the former was merely striving for their rights as American citizens, the latter party is using every means in its power to have the members of the Peoples party disfranchised.  He showed the manner in which the county probate judges are selected, and stated that although they are appointed by the President of the United states ostensibly, they are in reality nominees of the Liberal party. Kaysville, Oct 18.           M.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

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Kaysville Kinks

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Kaysville Kinks

Appearance of Another Newspaper Predicted --Experimental Well to Be Sunk. Editor CLIPPER:-- Dame Rumor has it afloat that the CLIPPER will soon have a companion newspaper in our...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

What the Marriage Statutes Provides -- Advice to Merchant and School Teachers. Editor CLIPPER:-- There is much more in the request of having published monthly the names of...

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Kaysville Kinks

Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude. Editor CLIPPER:-- The financial exhibit of the county published in your last issue, no doubt, was the result of a suggestive...

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