Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| August 24, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
August 24, 1890
  • Another refreshing shower fell last night.
  • The weather since the late storms has been delightful.
  • Several of our young people went to Syracuse yesterday.
  • Some time during last Sunday night burglars entered William Bones shoe shop and made away with five pairs of shoes.  No clue.
  • The tramp nuisance is again becoming almost unbearable. Our city officers appear very negligent in regard to having these cross-tie pilgrims” arrested.  Why are not our city laws enforced?
  • The city officials are taking steps to have the streets and sidewalks cleared of such obstructions as weeds, grass, branches of trees, etc.  This will make the town present a much more business-like appearance.
  • The school census is completed and the result shows that Kaysville has her full share of “Utah’s best crop,” there being nearly five hundred children between the ages of six and eighteen in the Eighth school district.  Next Monday morning three schools this district will open for the accommodation of these children, with Mr. James H. Linford jr., Mr. Ed Whitesides, Miss Caddie Knowlton and Miss Jennie McEwan as teachers.
  • A visit to the yards of the Kaysville  Brick and Tile Manufacturing company shows that although the company is still in its infancy, it is making rapid strides toward the grand success which its projectors had marked out for it when it was organized some six months ago. This company was not organized solely with a view to the remuneration of the stockholders, but to find employment for our men and boys and to increase the wages of the laboring classes.  If it has done nothing else it has accomplished this laudable object, and wages have advanced from $1.50 to $2 or $2.25 per day.  But this is not all.  The company is making bricks that in quality are second to none made in the territory, and we doubt if better can be found in the  United States.   Contractors and builders realize this, and, although the company is not very widely known, orders for brick pour in faster than they can be made.  We are glad to see this venture a success, as it brings to the public view one more of the many resources of our thriving city.   KAYSVILLE,  Aug. 22.     M.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper...

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Kaysville Kinks

EDITOR CLIPPER: -- The citizens of Kaysville and vicinity are indignant at being victimized by a buzzard concern that perched here a few months ago with the frills and feathers...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper...

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