- John R Barnes went to the carnival city yesterday.
- Mrs. T. G. Lewis has again opened her Ice cream and confectionery parlors near the postofflce.
- The clouds of dust that arise with every puff of wind suggest the idea that our main streets should be kept sprinkled.
- Haying is nearly over and harvest is fast approaching. As soon as the holiday festivities are over it will receive the whole attention of the farmers.
- Lovers of sport will probably find plenty of fun on the mountains east of here. It is reported that a young man who has been herding sheep on the mountain killed an old bear and two cubs last week.
- Owing to the good work of the delegation sent from here to the county convention, three of the county offices will be held by Kaysville men for the ensuing two years. Elijah Laycock was nominated for sheriff, and T. H. Phillips for prosecuting attorney and surveyor.
- One of citizens got to imbibing a little too freely in liquor Wednesday afternoon and was creating such a disturbance that our marshal found it necessary to place him under arrest. He was the first man to have the honor of occupying a cell in the now city jail over night for an infraction of a city ordinance. Yesterday morning he was brought up for trial before Justice Philips, and was fined $5
Kaysville Kinks
KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints. Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...