Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| August 25, 1889
Kaysville Kinks
August 25, 1889
  • Hon. Joseph Barton and family together with a number of their friends left here to-day for an outing in Ogden canon.
  • There is considerable sickness here at present. Miss Carrie Burton who has been dangerously ill for some time, has taken a slight change, and her friends have now some hopes of her recovery.
  • Watermaster Linford is smiling this morning, the first time in three months; the cause is, he has not been confronted with one chronic growler yet to-day, stretching the length of time since he had his last turn of water.
  • Henry J Sheffield on Monday, September 2, will open a general, fancy and staple grocery establishment adjoining the butcher shop of Blameres & Sheffield. This will be the only exclusive grocery store in town and we wish him every success.
  • Last nights rain has caused the farmers in this vicinity to look happier than they have done for the past three or four months. Threshing hands are to-day taking a rest, and some of them have gathered together and are spending their nickels and dimes at Williams & Robins shooting gallery.
  • A short time ago Fred Seal a young man living on a farm belonging to Mr Larkins, had his leg broken. After a few days it was learned that his injuries were more serious than his friends first thought, and last Friday he was taken to the Deseret hospital, where at last accounts, he was progressing favorably.
  • One more week of threshing and then all the grain raised here will be safely contained in the bins of the farmers. In many places the grain is badly srunken, but although the season in many respects has been unfavorable our harvest will be far greater than in many localities.  John B. Barnes this year has raised 10,000 bushels of grain.
  • Our academy is fast nearing completion, but the contractors sixty days have spun out, resulting in the first academic term having to be commenced in the meeting house, September 2, with Jedediah Taylor, of Payson, as principal.  K.   KAYSVILLE,  Aug. 19, 1889


  • Kaysville Kinks, Salt Lake Herald Republican, January 19, 1890, page 7

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper...

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Kaysville Kinks

EDITOR CLIPPER: -- The citizens of Kaysville and vicinity are indignant at being victimized by a buzzard concern that perched here a few months ago with the frills and feathers...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

Our Correspondent’ s Motives Explained - The Sick Man on the Improve - Other Locals.   Farmers will be very busy during the next few weeks making hay.  Lucern crops are...

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Kaysville Kinks

Since my last communication to the CLIPPER, I notice that The Eagle’s loquacious Layton correspondent has been taking exceptions to what I said of the merits of our local paper...

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