Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| July 20, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
July 20, 1890
  • Hot weather is still with us.  A good rain would be very acceptable just at present.
  • At the school election held last Monday, the People’s nominee R. W. Barnes, was elected as trustee.
  • Twenty-eight old folks from Kaysvjlle went to Salt Lake with the excursion last Tuesday.  They returned home well pleased with the proceedings of the day, and the good treatment which they received from those in charge.
  • Work on Barnes & Swans new building, which is being erected just east of the postoffice, in being pushed rapidly.  When completed Fletcher Pattillo will open it as a tin-shop.  He is a firs-class tinner, and we wish him success in this undertaking.
  • Those owning land on the range lying near the railroad track, are feeling considerable anxiety for the safety of their crops.  Several firesa have been started by passing locomotives already, one of which burnt about twenty-five acres of grain belonging to J. R. Barnes.  The railroad companies should take some precautionary measures to prevent fires from destroying the hand earned crops of the farmers.
  • During the past few weeks we have had a superfluity of the tramp fraternity In our midst, generally of the looking-for-work-and-praying-they-will-never-find it, who delight in doing nothing and spoging’ their living from hard working people.  While the present buy time lasts, there is no excuse for the idler, and if a man is really in earnest in his attempt to find work he will have but very little difficulty in finding it.  The city ordinance relating to vagrants should be rigidly enforced, and our town would soon be rid of what is at present a public nuisance.
  • The front of our Coop store presents a beautiful appearance, since the painters have been at work on it for few days. The name of the institution is printed across the front in large letters, while over the doors and windows in golden letters, is the announcement that they deal in dry goods, clothing, groceries, crockery, hardware, etc.  The work was done by the firm of J. Midgley & Co., of Salt Lake. This is a new departure for Kaysville, and the other business houses would do well to follow the example set by the enterprising superintendent of the Co-op.   M. KAYSVILLE, JULY 18.

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...

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Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first,...

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Kaysville Kinks

Petitions are Being Circulated – Other News Items. The little two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barton died last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Paul Thomarsen, the U. P. Agent...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. Yesterday was observed as a among the saints.  Services were general day of fasting and prayer held in the meeting house, which lasted two hours and a half; the...

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Kaysville Kinks

KAYSVILLE KINKS. it is reported that Dr. C. W. Rex has bought J. B. Meredith’s home west of the Union Pacific depot  Mr. and  Mrs.  Meredith will vacate about April the first,...

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