Kaysville News


Kaysville Kinks
| January 19, 1890
Kaysville Kinks
January 19, 1890
  • The Haley Family Comedy and Dramatic company will present The Blacksmiths Oath at the Music hall Monday evening.
  • Veterinary Surgeon Richards of Salt Sake city came up on Tuesday on professional business.
  • Some members of the family J.R. Barnes a few days ago were sleighriding when the sleigh tongue broke causing the occupants be thrown out. Fortunately no one was injured.
  • Sleighriding is all the rage, but our local weather prophets predict that by the end of January all the snow will be converted into mud and water. We are reminded of the saying that in the last days false prophets shall arise Let us hope that in this instance this saying may be verified.
  • The unusual vigor with which Choir Leader James A Cottrell swung his baton last Sunday was very noticeable, but when it became known that the day previous Jim had become the father of a fine boy the cause of his unusual exertions were no longer a wonder  All O. K.
  • Our sheep men who have their sheep located at Kelton and the surrounding country are having a very serious time. Fred Burton writes his sheep are in a sad state. He says they are dying about as fast as they can be counted. James Smith shipped two carloads of his home and says the others will pull through providing there is no more snow. Mr. Larkins, it is alleged, has been fortunate enough to procure hay out there and will feed his. Others who have their sheep on the western range are more fortunate. It is re-ported the sheep out there are doing well.
  • The city council met last Monday evening and passed an ordinance giving them power to grant a liquor license within the confines of the city.
  • A nominating caucus meeting was held at the city hall on Wednesday, with the following result: The assembly was called to order by Hon. T. F. Roueche chairman of the Peoples central committee of Davis county. Mayor Stewart was elected chairman; William Blood, vice chairman; Thomas H Phillips, secretary; Heber J Sheffield, assistant secretary; W. H. Blood sergeant at arms; J. W. Sinford sr., chaplain.  After prayer by the chaplain, the following persons were nominated to fill the various offices: Hyrum Stewart, mayor; W. H. Blood, H. J. Sheffield, J. W. Thornley, R. W. Barnes, J. H. Linford, sr., John Ellison and Lambert Blamires, councilors; Thomas H. Phillips recorder; C. Burton jr., treasurer; Levi Taylor sr., marshal; John H. Blood assessor and collector; Thomas H. Phillips and W. A. Hyde, justices of the peace. This may be considered a good ticket
    Kaysville, January 17, 1890

Kaysville News

Kaysville Kinks

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Kaysville Kinks

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Kaysville Kinks

Appearance of Another Newspaper Predicted --Experimental Well to Be Sunk. Editor CLIPPER:-- Dame Rumor has it afloat that the CLIPPER will soon have a companion newspaper in our...

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Kinks Posts

Kaysville Kinks

What the Marriage Statutes Provides -- Advice to Merchant and School Teachers. Editor CLIPPER:-- There is much more in the request of having published monthly the names of...

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Kaysville Kinks

Retiring Selectmen Earn Respect and Gratitude. Editor CLIPPER:-- The financial exhibit of the county published in your last issue, no doubt, was the result of a suggestive...

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